My little music-loving boy has adored this book.
We spent the week learning about a variety of things: Germany, musical notes, composers (especially Vivaldi and Tchaikovsky), pride, and musical instruments (brass, strings, and woodwinds).
We reviewed onomatopoeia, discussed real vs. imaginary (parts of the story), and learned new vocabulary words. Elijah also used the animal cards to narrate the story for me on the first day. He will narrate again for dad tonight.
Here are pictures of our Berlioz Lapbook
Do you see that book? Elijah loves how B-I-G it gets! Thanks to Jimmie for inspiring that one! I love how much you can fit into that one book!
Again, most of the templates to make this lapbook along with the unit study are offered for free at Homeschool Share!
that looks excelent..
Wow! What a Great Job He did!! You really had fun didn't you? Thanks for sharing photos.
Amy B